Website planning

To-do list and plan for website functionality and pages


  • Home/index - Initial landing page, with a brief overview of who I am, what I do, and what I have previously done (experience section, showing previously paid commissions)

.* About me - Contains a short personal profile (about my motivations, background and qualifications), links to socials, etc. ... (Need to research whether a separate contacts page is needed or not, as well as a link to my resume).

  • Projects - Personal projects I have worked on displayed in a gallery format, with a title, date and description. On click, the image is expanded, and shows details below.

  • Blog - Blogs covering projects I have completed or tested, findings, etc. - Projects in previous section may link to these blog posts. Can be sorted by category (web dev, graphic design, art), and by date (all time, or by the year).

  • Contact - Formal page to offer email to contact about work or portfolio projects.


I'd like to create a site that represents my interest and proficiency in graphic design, web development, art, and serves to summarise my experience for future employers or applying to courses. It will contain links to my relevant socials (LinkedIn, GitHub, Behance, Dribbble, etc.) and showcase my most recent and impressive projects. It will also have a blog section, to add detailed write-ups explaining the work put behind each project, including the planning, problems encountered and solved, frameworks and languages used, etc. Ideally, I would like to include animations, a custom colour palette compatible for both light and dark mode, and detailed custom CSS elements to show my design skills and create a cool, creative and sleek feel. It should be responsive on both large-scale and mobile devices, which may involved a different layout and some interaction cases (such as hovering) to be replaced.

Resources and Research

To gain ideas for this website, these are some resources I found:

For creating content ready to be presented, I found some handy resources also:

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